Quips and summaries from experiencing and appreciating music in a city that is as foreign and familiar as they come - New York. So here is to music anywhere and everywhere. Starting from concert one on week one after the move in 2009.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Underground Ditties

Did you know the NYC Subway is alive with sound? It is not the drip of some unidentified water source, the screeching of train brakes, the sound of a-holes that get cell phone service underground (seriously Verizon?), or the consistent hum of humanity that I am talking about. I am talking about the sheer volumes of musicians everywhere in these transportation tunnels. The Jimmy Hendrix wannabe at the Delancey Street F stop, the accordion player at Heritage Square, and the full bands that play at Penn Station. It is so cool and I hope I always pause my ipod to check out what they are playing as long as I live in NYC.
The coolest act I have seen by far happened at the W 4th stop of the F train after the Ting Tings show on March 16th. It was two people, one black guy with dreads playing the guitar and one white girl dressed like a gypsy in a pork pie hat playing the washboard with a bell and singing. She was so entertaining to watch, she sang with such expression, think Audrey Tautou's face throughout 'Amelie', and all of their songs were catchy. They made a VERY diverse, late night crowd all stop and listen and even throw dollars, not loose change, their way.
So keep your ears perked, pause your ipod more often, and if you find this duo somewhere in the underground world, give me a holler!

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